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About Me

About Me Hey, y'all! Im a 30 something mama to 3 pretty cool kiddos. Just trying to survive this wild life with copious amounts of caffeine, wine and prayers to the man upstairs. Life aint always beautiful, but its a beautiful ride. Come join me here in the front row seats :)
Let’s talk insecurity for a minute (or maybe 10 or 20). Ladies, I’m gonna talk  to you here in particular. What is insecurity?? It sometimes hides itself in the most descreet ways. It’s the person reading this blog right now, yeah you, that is making fun or judging me. Even though chances are you don’t really know me. Ask yourself this... why are you “hating” or judging someone you don’t really know? Insecurity. We only hate on or discredit or downgrade things we are personally struggling with.

Let’s backtrack to ummmm, about 10 year old Brooke. I want to say 10 because honestly I couldn’t give you the accurate age as I like to blur out this portion of my childhood. You’ll soon know why. Around this age, I started realizing there were beautiful girls around me. I also started realizing they got the attention. & I’m not just speaking of male attention. They were the “popular” ones. The ones that had the most friends. Hell, even the teacher treated them better. & then there’s me. For all of y’all reading this right now that knew me back then, you’re over there nodding your heads in full on agreeance!! Brooke was awkward, funky, weird. This is not a joke, folks. Don’t believe me, google Bishop Ready High Schools freshman yearbook 1998. I’m there in all my glory. & it’s... for lack of any better words, embarrassing AF.

So, I immediately realized I wasn’t blessed with many naturally beautiful attributes. My hair was thin & stringy. I was pale. I was awkward. I was weird. So me, being a take charge type of girl, decided to take matters into my own hands. Ohhhhhh bad idea!!!!!! The day I decided I needed an overhaul was the time frame in which Baby from Dirty Dancing was everything & yeah, I needed her hair first & foremost to be “all that”. So, what does any 12/13 year old do whilst seeking beauty & left to her own accord in doing so?? Uhhh, a perm, naturally. 🙄🙄🙄 you read that right. I gave MYSELF a perm. This wasn’t even my worst beauty idea to date. It gets better. Needless to say, I didn’t reach Baby level. I moreso reached the chick from Dilbert. What was her name?? I’m currently too lazy to google. Regardless, it wasn’t the hot level I was hoping to achieve. Sooooo then, I decided straight would be better. I had (have) this natural unattractive kink to my hair. It’s not curly, not straight. It just kinda kinks in odd places. It’s hot. What does my young self decide to do??? A relaxer!!!!! RIP my hair as I knew it. Soooooo here I was, fried off hair, baby weight still there, bushy eyebrows oh, & a TERRIBLE sense of style. (I wore over sized overalls with baggy turtlenecks if that says anything at all).  to sum it up, I was not attractive, not popular, & definitely not getting seats at the teachers tables. I was picked on relentlessly & with good reason!

Fast forward a few (like 15) years. I finally figured out makeup, how to defrizz my lions mane, & a decent fashion sense. (My bank account agrees with all of the above) why is this story relevant here, you ask? Because I spent a good portion of my life being on the low end of this totem pole of, if you’re not pretty, you’re nothing. Now a days, I’m aight. But I’ve learned it’s not the beauty on the outside that is what truly matters. It’s the inside that counts. Are you a good person? Do you have a good heart & good intentions? Do you live to build people up or to break them down?

Insecurity has ran a great amount of space in my time here on this planet. Comparison. She’s prettier. She’s got better hair (gah hair is one touchy subject for me). She’s got more friends. She’s got a hot husband that adores her. She’s a better mother. The list goes on & on. But why? Why do I worry what “she’s” doing?? Why am I not focusing on my own ball in my own court? Simple. Society makes it almost impossible. Society almost MAKES us compare, worry, seek value. It’s hidden in the men we see. The ones that sit right next to you whilst roaming the room for other eye candy. The person sitting next to you talking about how gorgeous someone else is. The person you’re with adding & following other gorgeous females & you’re wondering why you’re just not good enough.

Ladies, were being pitted against one another in a virtual fighting venue. & we’ve fallen into it. So here we are, angry or jealous of the girl that has what we don’t. Hating on the woman that has it all together, or so we think. We’re “battling” with pictures & posts to “out sexy” the next one in hopes to draw the attention back to us. We’re turning on one another in the worst of ways!!!! The amount of infidelity right now is at an outstanding high because we DONT TALK TO EACH OTHER. we’d rather not upset the guy in order to keep our “standing” with him in which, let’s all be honest here, is a low low placement. Why do we want to settle being one of many???

Yes, I’m insecure. But I’ll be honest here, most of us are. & I am working hard daily to try to overcome & fix mine. But it’s not just a switch. & it’s also controlled by outside variables we can’t control ourselves. So we fall victim or prey to. What we all need to stop & remember here, is we are human. Every single person is beautiful in their own ways & their owns rights. We aren’t all everyone’s cup of tea & that’s okay. But when we start to turn on one another, that’s when we just start falling apart. I was told today there’s a person on my Facebook relaying information & not only that, but making fun of me. You know what, go ahead. You’re not my business. Your opinion isn’t my business. & honestly, I feel bad for you. For a lot of reasons. But if you feel the need to be here simply to get your rocks off, pop that popcorn & enjoy the show, love.

I’m here because I’ve been through a LOT & I feel God has given me a forum to use my struggles as a way to empower. You don’t like it, there’s this super cool unfriend, unfollow, buh bye button to be had. No skin off my back. But for the supporters. The women that choose to fix one another’s crowns other than beat & berate one for following their dreams.... this is your place. I used to think I had to have it all together to be here & do this. Hello, 35 years later, now I’m here to tell you you don’t have to have a thing together to inspire & uplift. There’s literally no expectation for your life. It’s led at your own pace, on your own time. & it’s literally allllllll okay.  To the people that love me, never been more greatful for you. To the people that hate me, I still love ya 😘😘


Insecurity... jealousy’s ugly little friend

Any of you Jay Z fans?! If so, that title just put a song intro into your brain & youre welcome. Song lyrics aside... this blog post, this one right here, is as raw & open as even I want to delve. But, I feel my journey was given to me as a stepping stool as inspiration for even just ONE of y’all. So, here I am, Brooke Cooper/Ferguson/Wade. Yup, you read that right. I’m like a modern day Elizabeth Taylor. Because let’s be honest, I’m not done yet. Haha. I still have that faith & hope that one day, I’ll get it right. So.... here we go? Buckle your seat belts. Because this ride is definitely a humdinger. I’m going to drop a Permiant story here & I am POSITIVE, I will be judged. But, if I continue to hide behind a false social media stream of perfection, I’m a fraud. I’ve prayed over & over again to God about why the frick I’m here. & I feel this is it. I’m feeling eye rolls right now but you know what, there’s thousands upon thousands of you that need to know, you’re NOT ALONE. So here we go

Hi, my name is Brooke. I was born in Columbus, Ohio to a warrior of a woman. Therefore, the day of my life, was the catalyst of my mother’s life. She was soon After diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis. As a means to keep this post as short as possible for your reading convinence, if you’re uncertain that disease, hit Google. At the age of 1 (or maybe 2 or who even really knows!!!) my mother & father divorced. I do know at the age of 2 I got a step mom. Obviously the details at this portion of life are very muddled. However, this was the point it was my mother & I against the world. Yes, that young. Let me disclaimer, I had some absolutely AMAZING grandparents. My moms parents were basically mine. & they were incredible & honestly, I owe them my life.

As I grew up, my mother worsened. MS does that to you. & you have to realize this was 35 years ago. Technology hasn’t yet made its mark. I had as normal of a childhood as my grandparents could give me. I was a constant caregiver. Eventually my mom was reduced to a wheelchair & diapers. & it was only me & my 7/8 year old self there to care for it. There’s something to be said about an 8 year old being overjoyed in the fact she was able to withstand a number 2 diaper change of an adult. While my friends were outside playing, I was inside plucking eyebrows, making dinner, cleaning. I grew up fast. & that’s okay. Because THAT makes me who I am & my gah I’m so proud of who I am. Eventually, she had to be moved to a nursing home as I had to attend high school moving in with my father (the school system was definitely not okay for my little sheltered, shy ass. Walnut Ridge. All my Ohio folks will understand)

Dad. Let’s chat. This is something that I’ve forever been teetering on. & I’m terrified still. But... here we go. Thank you for the time you tried to give me. But let’s all be honest here, you don’t care about me. Never really did. Not really sure if it was because of my mom or what. But man, could’ve used a lot more of you. & therapy is CRUCIAL in the daddy issues over here. You chose to not really care & let me go, & now, that’s okay. I’ve come to peace with it & ive forgiven you. Despite your lack of regret. I won’t go into much detail here because I’m certain I would hurt you, & as much as you’ve hurt me, I want to rise above. But I’ve learned many lessons from you & I will be certain to never allow my children to feel the abandonment, fear, anger that I have.

I’ve been molested at a very young age (7 to be exact). Lots & lots of men siphoned through my mother’s home. To be fair, MS affects your mind. Neurological. So yeah, the state of the mind was not right. I’ve been abandoned. I’ve lost my mother, my grandmother & then my grandfather. I’ve been cheated on, I’ve been divorced. I’ve been beaten. I’ve been emotional abused. I’ve been broke, I’ve been a single mom of 3 children. Alone. I’ve been through most of it ALL! Cancer took my grandma. Too quick. She went from staying with me in my times of need at 12am to losing her life as I held her hand. I’ve watched too many of my most favorite people, leave me.

This post isn’t intended to ask for mercy, sympathy or whatever. This post is to let ANYONE out there that’s been through rough times know, YOURE GOING TO BE OKAY.

I almost committed suicide not once, but twice. I have a video still on my phone to remind me of that low. There will always be a storm. But, people!!! IT WILL ALWAYS PASS & THERE WILL END UP BEING A RAINBOW. I’m living breathing proof. I have so many amazing friends & they’re what keep me sane. But y’all!!! Giving up, only lets the devil win. Stop letting him win. & if you ever, & I mean ever, need someone to relate to on some of these issues, or your own. I’m. Here.

I’m guilty.  My social media is a reflection of my PRIME moments. My highlight reel. But, ladies & gents, here’s the real me. Flawed, imperfect, broken... & still here & STRONG!!!

I KNOW writing this post exposes me. More than I ever ever feel comfortable with. But, it’s real
Life. & I feel God put me here, in all these battles, all these lows, to show other people that there’s hope. Do not give up. & you’re not alone.



Please allow me to introduce myself

Okay, so this is a tab you most likely won't be clicking on much as I am NOT much of a top chef. I like to try & dabble in a little Martha Stewart esque cooking in the kitchen, however, I've just learned that when you have 8 bodies in the home & none of which like any of the same things, your meal making becomes more of a "what the hell can I make that requires little effort because I have at least 4 meals to actually make". But, this little gem here has been a tried & true hit in our home & I'll be honest one of my personal faves! Like, I'll make this just so I can have it. Even when no one else wants it. This most likely happens when we have had it 2 days in a row & everyone's sick of it... not even sure why?? Haha. Also, my chili made it to the second round of the church chili cook off so that HAS to say something. Ha

So here it is ladies & gentlemen... the holy grail of buffalo chicken chilis. Please note, I like to bake & shred my chicken beforehand because there's a certain difference in the chicken taste & seasoning this way.

What you'll need:

Boneless skinless chicken breast
2 cups chicken broth
1 can of rotel fire tomatoes
1 can sweet corn kernels
1 can of great northern beans
1 packet dry ranch
1 pack of cream cheese
1/2 cup of franks buffalo hot sauce
Rosemary seasoning
Garlic powder
Poultry seasoning
Salt & pepper
Vegetable oil

What to do:
First, preheat your oven to 350. Place your chicken on a baking sheet. Rub each side in vegetable oil & season each side with the salt, pepper, garlic powder, poultry seasoning & rosemary. Bake for 30 minutes. When done, take chicken out & shred.

Then, place shredded chicken & all the rest of the ingredents into your crockpot & cook on low for 4 hours!

When ready to serve, stir all the ingredients together (cream cheese block will need stirred up) & serve topped with cheddar cheese & sour cream! My mouth is watering!

PS... Add me on snap to possibly see her recipes in the making OR just the innerworkings of my crazy, hectic, awesome life! blondiebrooklyn <-- add me

Enjoy!! Xoxo,

Buffalo Chicken Chili!!! Deelish!

It's Mondayyyyy!! A fresh start. A new week. What does that mean to you??

When I started this journey a little over a year ago, I had no clue what I was doing. I'll tell you what I did know. I was a mom to a newborn baby. My husband & I already currently had 5 kids & I was a stay at home mama. 6 mouths to feed can be summed up in one word: expensive. So many people would say, well then you have to go to work too. Well, as helpful as that sounds, it's feasibility wasn't so great. We don't have a whole lot of family to keep the baby free of charge & to send him to day care would closely void out whatever money I would make working. Not to mention, raising our little bundle myself is exactly what we had envisioned from the start. So what to do??

It took my upline coach about 2 months to convince me. I was scared, I was unsure about any of it. After about a week of watching these women in this company going on cruises, buying homes & cars, building friendships & just being relevant... I bit the bullet. I bought my first challenge pack doing the 21 day fix & a months worth of shakeology.

So there I was, a new BB coach with a fitness plan & crickets on how to move forward. Fast forward a year & ive now completed Hammer & chisel, the 21 Day Fix (twice) & im currently in Core De Force. I'm getting back to the best shape of my life, I feel amazing, my hair & skin have never been better... it's just a major improvement!

So now I'm looking for 5 more ladies AND gentlemen to join me on this journey! Starting  DECEMBER 1st... I am doing my very first challenge group. What do you get in joining a challenge group??

1. 1-1 coaching with me
2. Accountability amongst the group
3. 3 weeks of 30 to 40 minute workouts
4. A months worth of Shakeology
5. Possibly friendships to last a lifetime.

What do you need to do to join?? Purchase a challenge pack. With a challenge pack, for one price, you get the MONTHS of shakeo, your program, meal plans & if you're interested, your coaching sign up fee waived.

Why I'd love you as a coach with me?? As a career, you can have financial freedom on your own time, your own schedule, your own boss. You put in as much or as little work as you want. Your dedication determines your money potential. & there's some MAJOR potential. Whether your goal is to purchase a new home, buy a new car, pay off debt, get in the best shape of your life, feel better physically & mentally. The goal is YOURS! My new, personal goal is to run a marathon & training starts TODAY!! You too, can start today! Why wait?!

Drop your name below if you're ready to join me on this venture or shoot me an email at bcooper2217@yahoo.com & let's get you moving!

So I'll start this post out with a little prefacing... my stepdaughter has had some recent issues with children her age (as well as now, some parents) while I would love to give you the story in its entirety, that's possibly for a different post. Haha. It was brought to my attention during these issues that I'm not acting like an adult. Let me explain...

According to one fellow mother, my having a Twitter & snapchat immediately makes me childish. When did this happen? Just because I'm in my 30's &  just because I'm a mother, this means I now have to go all June Cleaver & keep my mouth shut & my life private? I still cook & clean & do the laundry but I don't need to be full on stereotypical.

It's 2016.... a day in age where we have multiple social media outlets to communicate, post on, speak our mind & our truths. A day in age where we can send pictures &  letters in 5 minutes flat to our aunt across the country. Now, why is it we put an age limit on who can have what certain social outlet...  my grandma has Facebook & The President (in fact the last few) has Twitter.

This is another form of parent shaming. Another form of judgmental behavior. I am mature & I believe in communication. I believe communication can be in any form if it's done correctly. What or who I choose to tweet at shouldn't matter. Standing up for something you believe in should. Sitting back & condoning nasty behavior isn't my cup of tea. So choosing a new fangled way of "scolding" someone, to me, doesn't seem "childish". However, it can be viewed this way by people with more old school ways of thinking.  What's  childish, in my opinion, is sending another parent a nasty text attacking them instead of maturely seeing eye to eye on a particular situation. Maybe allowing someone to see & possibly understand your side instead of flat out attacking & pointing a finger. It's not always about just "defending your own". & that's part of why society is what it is today.

So there you have it. To have a twitter, snapchat, Facebook, Instagram etc doesn't make you any less of an adult or a mother. Some need such forums to forward their businesses. Scolding a young man or lady via one of these outlets doesn't make you immature. Clearly going to the parent doesn't work because the parent just wants to defend theirs. If my child posts something rude or in inappropriate on social media, feel free to say so. It takes a village to raise children right.


Social media & the curse of being... "old"

I've kind of given you a little idea of who I am so now I'm gonna tell you what I DO!

First of all, let me start by telling you the inspiration behind this post. The other day I was speaking with a woman (whom shall remain nameless) & she was discussing with me life behind having your own business. Well, ol nameless here was spewing on & proceeds to say something along the lines of, "hey, ya gotta do & say whatever is needed to make a dime. I know you know what I'm talking about"... guys, can I even describe to you the cringe that gave me??? My first initial bought was, omg!! Here's my second thought... is that what y'all think I do, too??? While, yes, it is my "job" to sell things, it's so much more than that for me!! The first person I "made a dime" off of was a friend of mine. She was in a dark place, unhappy with herself, her body & her soul. She bought a challenge pack from me. We got a game plan together... meal plans, workouts, Shakeology. The whole 9. Fast forward a month, my friend was on fire!!! She'd lost 15 plus pounds, was smiling, happy, social!! THAT IS WHY I DO WHAT I DO!! So no, I'm not here to just make a dime. I'm here to transform people. To build confidence, happiness, inner peace! Beachbody has saved me.

Backstory... my girl Sarah was a Beachbody coach... she messaged me telling me she thought I'd make a good one too. I mean, why not?! I'm a stay at home mama, brining in no extra income & people!! We have 6 kids!! Sooooo after about 5 more persistent messages, cause lets be honest, I was scared to try, I joined. My life has been changed. I've made so many new friends, gotten my body back on track, developed personally, mentally & I have loved every minute of what I do!! Watching people that aren't even under me has made me so happy!

Sooo that's what I do!  I'm a coach for Beachbody & I LOVE it!!! Oh, & the dime ain't so bad either! 😂

Currently my most fave workout is Core De Force!!! Boxing/MMA style workouts that fly by! Favorite Shakeology recipe: chocolate shakeo, banana & PB2! yum! Favorite pre workout/just plain daily life saver... Energize!! Hammer & chisel is an ass kicker too!

If you want to change your life & Want to help change others as well, join me! Send me a message orrrrr go to www.beachbodycoach.com/blondiebrooklyn & start your own journey! WITH ME!



Put me in COACH!!

So, the last few years, I've been a little dry in the spirit of Halloween... which is sadly odd considering it's one of my favorite times of the year! This year I decided it was time I got my groove back.. but this time, my mom groove. While I would've loved to bring out my inner Sex pot, we skipped attending all adult holiday parties so I brought out my Mr Rodgers Neighborhood look. Scarecrow style. It was super easy, "so cute" according to the candy givers, & the kids loved it. Lucius wasn't too sure what happened to his mama for a few minutes. Haha. 

To achieve this look, grab some face crayons & go to town! Black & red was all I needed! Enjoy!


Happy Halloweenie!!

This weekend I decided to throw together my crew for some casual family pictures at the pumpkin patch. In true mom form,  I told everyone to throw on something nice & do their hair. Basically, don't look homeless. Haha. Then it happened. A dawning, a revelation, an "aha" moment,  if you will. See, my daughter is 11 years old. She's beautiful, smart & funny. But what she isn't, is girly. In fact, anything but. Her wardrobe consists mainly of Under Armour, hair in a more preferred side pony, & her Halloween costume this year is in fact, a Halo character. There's no girling up a Halo character people. So here's my realization, what I last minute grasped on to... that's okay. Forcing her to wear some girly dress was just not the way to go. I decided,  let her be herself. In all her side pony glory. & that's okay!! I think these days too many parents try to live vicariously through their kids or mold them to be just like them. In turn, you're only hurting the child. It's time to embrace their individuality. Let them learn to be themselves. Don't try to stifle them. Slow them to learn their own likes, dislikes, styles etc. Maybe this tomboy moment is just a phase of her life... or maybe she'll forever be this way. Who cares! As long as she is herself, who she is comfortable with & on her path in this life. 😁

& either way, THATS OKAY!

Have a good one y'all!


& Thats Okay

Well, not really. Buttttt let me show you these little numbers you can wear if you do actually have a date night!! Unfortunately, we rarely get nights to just ourselves & that's really okay. There's no place in the world I'd rather be than home with my family. But,  should you find yourself the blessed soul of a moment to ravish your husband, have strictly adult conversation &  just plain CHILL... here's what all  you should do it in next! Haha 

Both tops from www.vicicollection.com

Here I decided to give the beachy waves look

Here I switched it up with a more straight look... bangs are a son of a...

Date night!

Well, well, well.... here we are again. This is actually my second blog to my name but as I'm unable to log in to my original blog (such a shame cause there were some killer posts on there), I'm starting fresh here. While I'm still into fashion... this blog may delve a little more into other aspects of life. Life as a mama, a wife, a friend,  a cook (I use that term lightly), etc. I hope y'all will follow me on this journey, cheer me on while I navigate this thing called life & show lotsa love along the way!! Thank you!!

My first blog post in years!